The champion of “Instant Skiing” and the “Shortee” ski, Cliff Taylor, in Ski in a Day, 1964, described his preference for no poles in the early sages of learning to ski:
‘We have ignored ski poles up to this point because it is better to get acquainted with your skis first, and then your poles. When you are learning, ski poles get in the way.
But the greatest trouble with poles is that too many people lean on them as they turn. It’s better to learn without poles and you won’t be tempted to develop a bad habit. Besides, a lot of people…ski on short skis exclusively find it is just plain more enjoyable without poles.’ 23

1964 – Cover Photograph of Taylor on short skis without poles. Clif Taylor, Ski in a Day, New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964