Josef Dahinden recommended a style of skiing that called for balance, without the direct use of poles, at least until much later in the skier’s development, in his Die Ski-Schule, 1925. Midway through the book, in a chapter entitled “The Art of Ski-ing with Sticks,” he writes:
‘When the ski-runner has acquired complete liberty of movement not only on good, soft, powdery snow, but also on ice-crusted snow, and can accommodate himself to the movements of the ski by virtue of his own swing and momentum and by complete control of his muscles, then, and not till then, should he begin to practice with sticks…’ 18

1925 – Cover illustration showing the manner of balanced ski-ing without poles. Josef Dahinden, Die Ski-Schule, Stuttgart, Germany: Dieck & Co., 1925

1925 – Photographs of style of balanced ski-ing poles. Josef Dahinden, Die Ski-Schule, Stuttgart, Germany: Dieck & Co., 1925, p. 124-125